How To Keep Your Indoor Plants Alive: The Do’s And Don’ts

Struggling to master the art of keeping your indoor plants alive? We don’t blame you. Not all of us are blessed with green fingers, so maintaining thriving house plants can be a challenging task. And, if one dies, we still take it very personally. We’ve made an easy list of the do’s and don’ts for keeping indoor plants alive. So … Read More

Back To Nature: The Affordable Natural Materials Your Home Needs

This summer, we’re going back to the basics. And getting in touch with the natural world around us. With these easy home tips, you’ll be able to reconnect with the outdoors in interesting and affordable ways. Return to nature and be inspired by natural, organic materials like wood grains, hessian, marble and more. There are also fun ways to play … Read More

10 Clever Ways To Bring A Touch Of Summer To Your Home

Summer is definitely here! In fact, it feels a bit like we skipped spring in SA and went straight to bright, balmy summer days. Not that we’re complaining. If you love this time of year, when the world seems full of life and excitement, why not try to incorporate some of that summer magic into your home? We don’t mean … Read More

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