Clever Design Hacks To Keep You Cool This Summer

Clever Design Hacks To Keep You Cool This Summer

Let’s face it, South African summers are hot. And, while we love the balmy, warm weather, we also like being able to come home to a cool sanctuary. Where the temperature drops a bit and we can cool off from the day’s activities. To help you in your quest to keep cool, we’ve got some design inspiration tips that’ll turn your home into a breezy break from the summer madness. Because what we don’t want is for tempers to rise along with the temperatures. Here are a few easy ways for you to keep calm and beat the heat this season…

Design hacks to keep you cool

Cool shades

Staying cool in the heat of summer is as much a mental exercise as it is physical. If you want to decrease the temperature in your home, stick to light and neutral colours that are super easy on the eye. We love shades like pale blue, white and cream that bring a feeling of calm and tranquillity to any space. Go for these easy colours for everything from furniture and flooring to wall paint and accessories. For some inspiration, wouldn’t you like to chill out in this zen living room on a sizzling summer day? We love the neutral shades and relaxing atmosphere.

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Summer linen

It’s the middle of summer when even night time temperatures are high. So there’s no need to be bundled under heavy bedding. Ditch the down duvet for a light summer alternative. Or, better yet, get rid of the duvet altogether. When the weather is this warm, a simple sheet and bedspread will do the trick – they’re thin and light and you still have something to snuggle in the night. There are loads of gorgeous bedspreads available in store right now but, if you don’t want to spend anything extra, just remove the duvet inner from your lovely duvet cover. That’ll serve as an affordable bedding alternative on balmy summer nights.

Image by @sfgirlbybay on Pinterest

Materials matter

In the summer heat, you want to make your home look and feel as cool as possible. That means paying attention to the materials and textures in each room. Fabrics like linen and cotton are light and cool, and materials like metal, stone, glass and wicker look smooth and serene. They also don’t attract the heat, which is a huge help. For optimum chill, stay away from materials like velvet and leather that’ll just get the perspiration dripping even faster. We love the look of this cool patio, decorated in neutral shades and championing materials like linen, cotton, metal and natural wicker.

Image by @ZDesignAtHome on Pinterest

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Fresh and fragrant

This might not necessarily help drop the physical temperature in your home, but it’ll put you in a much better mood when you walk through the door on a blistering hot day. To create a tranquil space, we recommend speaking to all the senses. We’ve already ticked off sight and touch, so now it’s time to pay some attention to smell. Beat the heat with fresh, fragrant scents dotted throughout your home to generate an atmosphere of calm. Stick to scents that chill you out, whether that’s zesty citrus or soothing jasmine. And mix things up with diffusers, incense and candles. It’ll have you feeling your serene best.

Image by @mrp_home on Instagram

Accessories are out

In cooler weather, it’s great to accent a room with cosy additions like cushions, throws and carpets. But, when the summer heat rolls in, take the opportunity to declutter and clear out. Not only do these items take up space in the room, they’re also physically warm when you want to be cool and collected. Pack winter blankets in the cupboard and clear the couch from any extra scatter cushions. You might have a simpler aesthetic, but you’ll be grateful for the calm vibe when we get to 30 degree heat. This clutter-free living room is breezy and begging to be your afternoon chill spot.

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Plus 3 easy summer hacks that don’t cost a penny…

1). Before you go to bed, pop your pillowcase in the fridge or freezer for a few minutes. You’ll rest your head on a sleep-inducing chill pillow.

2). A classic summer hack is to crush up a bunch of ice and place it in a bowl in front of your fan. Try it in the kitchen when you’re cooking over a hot stove, or in your bedroom at night before you go to sleep.

3). You might not even notice it, but things like lights, appliances and electronics all generate a certain amount of heat. Keep your interiors cool by switching off as much as you can. And, rather than being in a stuffy kitchen, take the cooking outside to a Weber or braai.

Happy chilling!



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