How to turn your home into a sanctuary

How To Turn Your Home Into A Sanctuary: 6 Simple Tricks

Our homes should be a refuge. The place where we can unwind and feel calm after a stressful day in the frantic outside world. These days, however, our homes have become the place where we do everything – teach our kids, do our jobs, entertain ourselves. Because of the chaotic events of this year, more of us are spending more time at home. But, that doesn’t mean we have to miss out on that zen feeling. These 6 simple tips will help you transform your home into a tranquil sanctuary – so that you won’t really want to be anywhere else.

Simple ways to turn your home into a sanctuary

Choose calming colours

The biggest thing to think about if you want to transform your home into a sanctuary is what that idea means to you. When do you feel most relaxed? What shades create a feeling of calm and tranquillity for you? For some people, their sanctuary is filled with bright botanicals and happy shades of cerise and teal. Others prefer a room decorated in neutral colours like cream, beige, grey and pale blue. The great thing about turning your home into your own sanctuary is that you get to choose exactly what works for you. The point is that you feel your best in your home.

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Let the light in

Sunlight is a natural feel-good ingredient, and will be crucial in the road to turning your home into a sanctuary. We don’t expect your entire home to be bathed in natural light. Rather think about which rooms get the most sunlight during the day and create sanctuary nooks there. During the day, open the windows and draw back the curtains. At night, string a few fairy lights here and there or light some candles to carry that peaceful feeling into the evening. We love this magical four-poster bed with string lights hung from the frame. Who wouldn’t want to drift to sleep in this bedtime sanctuary?


It’s hard to feel truly at peace in a place that’s disorganised and filled with clutter. For some reason, this kind of environment tends to put us on edge. Instead of unwinding, we end up spending precious relaxation minutes putting things away and tidying up the day’s mess. A home is always going to gather some clutter – it’s one of the signs of a busy, happy home – but, in your special sanctuary area, try to keep unnecessary jumble to a minimum. Make sure there’s a place for everything that’s meant to be there. And buy a few woven baskets or drawers to use as elegant storage options.

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Add special accents

If you really want to make your sanctuary feel like your own, think carefully about the kinds of accents and final touches you want there. What makes you feel most relaxed? Is it a photo of your family from a recent holiday? Tranquil music playing in the background? The fresh scent from a room diffuser or incense candle? No matter what little things help to put you at ease, make sure there are enough of them in your sanctuary so that the space feels truly your own. The best thing is that you don’t have to spend money on these little finishing touches. Just go through your house and find one or two objects that mean something to you. We love the look of these streamlined shelves filled with simple knick-knacks like ceramic jars, books and baskets.

Embrace nature

Bring a bit of the outside world in. And, you can do this in so many ways. Simply add a vase of fresh flowers from the garden, or buy a few low-maintenance indoor plants to dot around the house. Adding a natural element to any room creates a feeling of calm and wellbeing, naturally. Scientifically speaking, this could be because plants help increase the levels of oxygen in an area, which immediately makes you feel better. They also look great and bring a bit of life to a space. If you’re not keen on indoor plants, choose a few natural accessories or materials to accent your home. The article below will give you some ideas…

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Think about your senses

In an ideal sanctuary, every sense is considered. What kind of sounds put you at ease? Which scents are your favourite? Are there any images that immediately make you think of happy times? Which textures make you feel most comforted and at home? These are all things worth thinking about before you start transforming your home into a sanctuary. It may mean you include a jasmine-scented room diffuser, or keep a plush blanket thrown over the back of your arm chair. You might also want to buy a small radio so you can play instrumental tunes as you unwind after a long day. Each individual sense should be accounted for and accommodated, so that you can create a haven that’s just right for you.

We hope we’ve been able to give you a few helpful ideas. Everyone deserves to come home to a place where they feel happy and calm. Contact us if you think you need extra assistance in turning your house into a tranquil retreat. We’d love to help!


  1. […] year – firstly to occupy our time while we were at home, and secondly to help create that sanctuary we’re all looking for. The main project people took on during the pandemic? […]

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