Why the hygge design trend is all the rage in 2020

Why The Hygge Design Trend Is All The Rage In 2020

This year, we’ve all had to get used to the idea of spending more time at home. And, after a while, we discovered that this wasn’t as much of a punishment as we initially thought. Home can be a happy, cosy place – a sanctuary, and an escape from the stressful, uncertain outside world. With this in mind, the cocooning trend became more visible and more popular among people all over the world. Cocooning sees people actively staying inside their homes, because it’s a safe and familiar place to be. In early 2020, we went into a version of enforced cocooning. But now, even as lockdown restrictions are lifted, many members of society are still opting to stay home – in the peaceful world they’ve created. This, in turn, led to a love for hygge design and decor. Below, we’ll find out why…

Everything you need to know about the hygge design trend

What is hygge decor?

First, let’s discover what the hygge design and decor trend really involves. The word ‘hygge’ is a Danish term, pronounced ‘hoo-ga’. It refers to the comforting, cosy feeling you get from setting your home up in a certain way. It’s all about making the most of the simple things in life and finding pleasure in everyday simplicities. In terms of a design concept, hygge involves creating a cosy, calm, serene environment where you feel comforted and safe. And there’s no clutter to get those stress levels rising. The idea behind hygge decor is to design a space where, when you walk into a room or come home after a long day, you heave a sigh of relief. And think, ‘it’s so nice to be home’. Sounds pretty ideal, doesn’t it?

This is a typical hygge-style living room, with a plush carpet, textured cushions and layers of luxurious fabrics.

Why was the hygge trend so popular in 2020?

It makes sense that something like this would become increasingly popular in 2020. When the outside world is so frantic, uncertain and stressful, you want to create a home where you feel safe, protected and at peace. The ‘cosy’ aspect of hygge design was particularly prominent in the decor industry this year. We saw shops filled with lush fabrics, warm carpets, faux fur rugs and blankets, and heaps of textured cushions. Even in South Africa’s warmer climate, consumers were leaning towards warm decor accents and interiors where you could cosy up next to the fireside.

And, you don’t need to hygge your whole house to feel protected and peaceful. We love this cosy reading nook that’s full of texture, comfort and warmth. Perfect for a Sunday afternoon respite, or a well-deserved rest after a long day.

How to bring hygge into your home

Does this design trend sound like something you’d like to incorporate into your home?

Here are 5 easy ways to add a touch of hygge to your life…

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1). Keep to neutral tones

Too many bright, eye-catching colours will distract from an overall feeling of calm. It can be hard to unwind in a colourful, busy space. We suggest sticking to neutral tones like creams, browns and greys. If you want to add colour, try a calming pastel like pale blue or green.

4). Add a touch of texture

The trick is to layer complementary textures to create an feeling of comfort and cohesion. Try to stick to natural fibres like wool, wicker and wood. Woven materials also mix well in this environment. And, of course, a touch of greenery and florals goes a long way. In the below image, you see how you can layer textures without making the space feel cluttered or over decorated – perfect for a hotter SA climate. We love the natural cupboard unit, unique mirror and quaint pot plants.

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2). Snuggle up

Cosiness and comfort are two key elements to the hygge decor trend. So you don’t want to skimp on those simple luxuries. Decorate with blankets, throws and cushions and don’t be afraid to layer fabrics. Go for fluffy pillows and make sure there are comfy seating options. Give those sleek, minimal sofas a miss.

3). Let the light in 

Another crucial aspect of hygge decor is that there should be an airy, relaxed feel. With an abundance of light. If your room doesn’t get much natural light throughout the day, add some of your own. Decorate with dreamy scented candles, or incorporate romantic fairy lights. If you want to make the room feel even more peaceful, add a calm-inducing Himalayan salt lamp. We love this one from Faithful to Nature, from R275.

Himalayan salt lamp

5). Declutter

Finally, add an element of hygge decor by taking something out. An important aspect of this Danish design trend is that surfaces shouldn’t be covered with trinkets and clutter. In the interests of creating a calm environment, try to minimise extra clutter and keep surfaces clean and neat. This is easier said than done, but it will pay off in the long run.

2 Responses

  1. […] ALSO SEE: Why The Hygge Design Trend Is All The Rage In 2020 […]

  2. […] ALSO SEE: Why The Hygge Design Trend Is All The Rage In 2020 […]

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