Top 6 Kitchen Trends for 2021

6 Kitchen Design Trends Making It Big In 2021

There are a few basic conditions when it comes to the kitchen. We want it to be clean, tidy and – most importantly – functional. In the past, we’ve seen dozens of kitchen trends appeal to each of these needs, from streamlined cabinets to the ever-popular and convenient kitchen island. And, as with every year, 2021 is bringing with it a new set of kitchen trends to help you keep the heart of your home comfortable and practical. If you’re looking to do a full kitchen revamp this year, or are simply after a bit of inspiration for a DIY kitchen makeover, these top 6 trends for 2021 will have you brimming with ideas.

Top kitchen trends for 2021

1). Quartz countertops

While marble and granite countertops are still very popular, quartz offers a modern and durable alternative. With quartz countertops, you’re promised a stylish, contemporary aesthetic and, because the material isn’t porous like granite, it’s easy to keep clean. One thing to watch out for though, is that quartz can be sensitive to excessive heat, so use heating pads at all times.

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2). Wall-to-wall cabinets

For a few years now, floating shelves have been a kitchen trend favourite. But, as we spend more time at home, and – necessarily – more time in the kitchen, those shelves are becoming less convenient and more cluttered. The kitchen does, naturally, collect quite a bit of household ‘stuff’. In 2021, it’s time to swap your messy-looking shelves for wall-to-wall cabinets. This alternative is streamlined and, if done properly, extremely space-efficient. The best part? All your goods and knick knacks are neatly hidden behind closed doors.

Contact us to find out more about our bespoke cabinetry offering.

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3). Scandi minimalism

The modern Scandinavian trend is still all the rage, especially in the kitchen. As people look to declutter their homes – makes it easier to keep them clean and tidy – the Scandi minimalism trend is picking up momentum. A typical Scandi kitchen features a pale colour palette, warm wooden accents in the floors and cabinetry, and sleek furniture. The latest feature in the Scandi minimalist kitchen? Clean-lined cabinets with a seamless finish, where minimal hardware or touch-release designs are used to keep the cabinets smooth and functional.

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4). Go local

A major trend in the lifestyle industry in general and, now, filtering down to kitchen design. With the world in particular turmoil at the moment, more people are striving to support small local businesses and keep entrepreneurs afloat. Wherever possible, try to keep everything in your kitchen reno local – from the designers and contractors to the materials you use and the appliances you buy. You could even take it a step further by stocking your kitchen with local produce from neighbourhood grocers. The ‘support local’ trend has never been more prominent.

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5). Warm things up

For a long time, the trend for modern kitchens leant towards white cabinets and pale marble countertops. Crisp and clear. But, as we all look for a little more comfort and support in our lives, the trends are shifting accordingly. This year, expect to see kitchens decorated in warmer hues, with colour accents like botanical green and wine red. You’ll also see warmth in the furniture – think upholstered stools and dark wood cabinets – as well as in the softer lighting and hanging pendants. It’s time to cosy up in a warm and welcoming kitchen.

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6). Natural accents

Nature offers us calm and solace, providing a feeling of serenity we don’t often experience in other environments. It’s logical, then, that when the world at large seems totally chaotic, we look for peace in the healing power of nature. How to apply this concept to your kitchen? Go for natural materials like cotton or hemp when recovering furniture. Add an earthy-looking rug to the kitchen floor. And, instead of the traditional marble island, choose one with a rustic wooden finish. A sure-fire way to bring some of the outdoors in? Go mad with lush indoor plants that’ll give the space a tropical feel and increase the oxygen levels. Win, win.

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If you need any help with a kitchen revamp or renovation, don’t hesitate to contact us. This is one of our speciality services and we’d be delighted to help create the perfect kitchen space for you.

6 Responses

  1. […] ALSO SEE: 6 Kitchen Design Trends Making It Big In 2021 […]

  2. […] ALSO SEE: 6 Kitchen Design Trends Making It Big In 2021 […]

  3. […] ALSO SEE: 6 Kitchen Design Trends Making It Big In 2021 […]

  4. […] ALSO SEE: 6 Kitchen Design Trends Making It Big In 2021 […]

  5. […] ALSO SEE: 6 Kitchen Design Trends Making It Big In 2021 […]

  6. […] ALSO SEE: 6 Kitchen Design Trends Making It Big In 2021 […]

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