top interior design trends for 2021, according to pinterest

Top Interior Design Trends In 2021 According To Pinterest

For years now, Pinterest has been used as a place to find ideas and be inspired. And, for everything from fashion to home decor, it’s where we go to search for the trends of the future. According to trends forecaster Pinterest Predicts, 8 out of 10 of their predictions for 2020 came true – so they’re usually right on the money. But, these Pinterest reports are slightly different to the rest of the trends reports we see at the beginning of the year. In fact, Pinterest describes them as ‘not-yet-trending’ reports as they look at current data from the platform and analyse what is likely to be trending in months to come. In this specific report, some of their predictions might surprise you. As we enter the second quarter of 2021, let’s see what decor trends Pinterest predicted for the year. And whether or not you think they’re really trending…

Pinterest interior decor trends for 2021

1). Vibey lights

According to Pinterest, neon hue is the new you.

They’re predicting that neon rooms will get the spotlight treatment — especially from Gen Z. Pinners will reinvent their bedrooms with bright, colour-drenched lighting for majorly moody looks. Apparently, LED lighting is a 2021 vibe. And why might this be the case? Is it because we’re looking for something different and unusual in the room where many of us have been spending most of our time since March 2020? The neon colours bring light and life into a room, providing much-needed fun and brightness.

Taking a look at Pinterest search terms, ‘neon room’ has been searched 8x more year-on-year between 2019 and 2020. Other increased search terms include ‘mirror with LED lights’, ‘LED light room’ and ‘LED light signs’. With the biggest growth showing for ‘blue LED lights bedroom’ that’s up by a whopping 155%. Time to set the neon groove for 2021?

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Stylish home colour trends for 2021

ALSO SEE: Stylish Home Colour Trends For 2021

2). Japandi aesthetic

As fans of Scandi interiors, we’re pretty thrilled to hear that Japandi is considered the new modern.

With this stylish interior design trend, Pinterest is confident that every decor lover just swooned. Japanese design meets Scandinavian minimalism in this rising home decor trend. In 2021, sleek lines, neutral colour schemes and calming setups are predicted to be on the radars of Pinners everywhere. When the outside world is continuing to look chaotic, it’s no wonder designers and home owners are looking to create peace and tranquillity in their homes.

Search terms on the rise include ‘wooden bed design modern’ with 5x as many searches as last year. People are also looking for ‘neutral colour palette earth tones’, ‘minimalist bathroom design’ and ‘modern minimalist kitchen’ has seen a 115% search increase. Overall, the term ‘Japandi’ is up by 100%. This simple and elegant design style is certainly something we could get on board with. Could you?

Image by @homerefinery on Pinterest

Top 6 Kitchen Trends for 2021

ALSO SEE: 6 Kitchen Design Trends Making It Big In 2021

3). Dish it out

Ever heard of shelfies? We’re not talking about self-portrait mode on your phone, but rather kitchen shelves making a comeback. According to Pinterest, shelfies are the new gallery walls.

They’re calling it now: kitchen shelves are predicted to be the new favourite corner of the house in 2021. People will collect and invest in eye-catching dinnerware, from coloured glassware to handmade clay plates. And they want to display them on open shelves in the kitchen. Let’s face it, the kitchen is a room in the house where we spend a lot of time, so isn’t it worth decorating it with special items? If you’re wondering about colour and texture trends, look out for metallic accessories in copper or bronze, and rustic wooden shelves.

In Pinterest terms, ‘copper cookware’ is up by 35%, ‘clay plates’ by 105%, ‘kitchen floating shelves decor’ has seen a major 130% increase in searches, and ‘coloured glassware’ cleans up with a 135% rise from last year to this year.

Image by @society19 on Pinterest

ALSO SEE: 7 Ideas For Creating A Modern Farmhouse Kitchen

4). More door

Not to be confused with Sauron’s dark realm in Lord of the Rings. The ‘more door’ home decor trend was bound to be popular in 2021, as people are forced to create different spaces to work, play and relax at home. In 2021, we’ll be introduced to the idea of a ‘cloffice’ – a home closet office that’s just big enough to accommodate the basic work necessities. And it’ll be especially popular in smaller spaces like apartments or townhouses. Say goodbye to open floor plans, because Pinners are getting creative with closed doors. Even when doors aren’t available, people will find new ways to create some personal space, from room dividers to creative screens.

When we look at the Pinterest search terms, it’s clear what decor solutions people are after. The term ‘bookshelf room divider’ is up by 150% from last year, and ‘home library design’ has 7x more searches. Also look out for terms about specific nooks in the house, from ‘modern mud room’ to ‘computer gaming room’. And, of course, the signature ‘cloffice ideas’ term has been searched for twice as many times as in 2020.

Image by @HomeStoriesAtoZ on Pinterest

Only time will tell if these predicted home design trends become as popular as the forecasters think they will. There are certainly some that we’re excited about, and it’s encouraging to see so many people taking pride and interest in the spaces in their homes.

2 Responses

  1. […] Japandi design aesthetic is set to be all the rage in 2021, combining Scandinavian functionality with rustic minimalism. […]

  2. […] idea of a ‘cloffice’ took off last year, with Pinterest Trends 2021 reporting that searches for the term had doubled in the last year. A ‘cloffice’ is […]

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